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08.13 2015

To announce Board of Directors meeting resolution to cease public offering of shares of Formosa on behalf of the company's major subsidiary Formosa.

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2015/08/13

2.Company name:Formosa Epitaxy Incorporation

3.Relationship to the Company (please enter ”head office” or


4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:100%

5.Name of the reporting media:NA

6.Content of the report:NA

7.Cause of occurrence:

 The Board of Directors of Formosa Epitaxy Incorporation act on behalf of

 Shareholders' Meeting resolved the application to cease public offering

 of shares in accordance with Article 128 of the Company Act.


 Authorize the Chairman of Formosa Epitaxy Incorporation to proceed with

 the application to cease public offering of shares.

9.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.