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10.29 2013

The Board of Directors Resolved to Release the Epistar's Officer from Non-competition Restrictions

1.Date of the board of directors resolution:2013/10/29

2.Name and title of the managerial officer with permission to engage in

  competitive conduct:

Biing-Jye Lee/Chief Strategic Officer

Hsiu-Jen Liu/Associate Vice President

3.Items of competitive conduct in which the officer is permitted to engage:

Evertop (Xiamen) optoelectronics Co., Ltd:Director

4.Period of permission to engage in the competitive conduct:

during the term of the person serving as the Company's officer

5.Circumstances of the resolution (please describe the results of the voting

  under Article 32 of the Company Act):

Except director Biing-Jye Lee who  did not participate in the discussion

and vote according article 32 of company act and director Stan Hung who

has authorized Biing-Jye Lee as his proxy to the meeting, all the other

attending director make resolution without dissent.

6.If the permitted competitive conduct is business of a mainland China area

  enterprise, the name and title of the managerial officer (if it is not 

  business of a mainland China area enterprise, please enter ”not applicable”


Biing-Jye Lee/Chief Strategic Officer

Hsiu-Jen Liu/Associate Vice President

7.Company name of the mainland China area enterprise and the officer's

  position in the enterprise:

Evertop (Xiamen) optoelectronics Co., Ltd:Director

8.Address of the mainland China area enterprise:

103, Xiang Xing Rd., Xiang’An Branch, Torch Hi-Tech Industrial Development

Zone, Xiamen, China

9.Business items of the mainland China area enterprise:

the manufacture and sales of LED Epiwafers and chips

10.Degree of effect on the Company's finances and business:NA

11.If the managerial officer has invested in the mainland China area

   enterprise, the monetary amount of the officer's investment and the 

   officer's shareholding ratio:NA

12.Any other matters that need to be specified:None