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11.18 2013

Notice of the cancellation of restricted employee shares to recover capital for the completion of registration

1.Date of the Competent Authority's approval of

  the capital reduction:2013/11/14

2.Date of completion of capital amendment registration:2013/11/14

3.Effect on the company financial report (including any discrepancy between

  the amount of paid-in capital and the number of shares outstanding and the

  effect on net worth per share):

(1)Before approval of cancellation of restricted employee shares:

The Company's paid-in capital was NT$9,327,395,360, outstanding shares

were 932,739,536 shares, and Net of per share $49.081.

(2)After approval of cancellation of restricted employee shares:

The Company's paid-in capital is NT$9,326,595,360, outstanding shares

are 932,659,536 shares, and Net of per share $49.085.

4. Planned share conversion operations:NA

5.Estimate listed shares, the ratio of listed shares to

outstanding shares, after the capital reduction:NA

6.Countermeasures of the aforesaid estimate change in shareholding

after the capital reduction:NA

7.Any other matters that need to be specified:None